Be part of the local “kraal”

John 10:1-21

“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”

This parable gives us a picture of the Lord’s plan.  Jesus is the shepherd and the head of the church.  We are His sheep.  The only way we can be in the Lord’s plan is to enter in by the door,  so the only way to get into the “kraal” through Jesus.  Jesus is the only way to salvation.

Let us look at this picture of the “kraal”. 

He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.”

Some will try to enter into the “kraal” by some other way, but they are the ones trying to steal and hurt the sheep.  The shepherd will not allow that.  He will always react towards anyone trying to steal or hurt the sheep.  Any doctrine that is not sound doctrine, will the Lord react against.  We cannot allow it to even enter our “kraal”.

“To him the porter openeth.”

The porter is the Holy Spirit that gives the revelation and so we enter into the “kraal.”

The doors to the “kraal” are the 5 fold gift ministries given to the “kraal”; Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelists.  Through men and woman rising up in their ministries as God planned the hinges works well for the entering of many sheep into the “kraal.”

There is a local “kraal” you need to belong to.  It is the place where Jesus is the only Shepherd and He deals harshly with the wolves and thieves trying to enter into the “kraal”.  It is the place where the Holy Spirit is the porter that leads the sheep into the “kraal” through true revelation.  It is the place where the doors are working properly and the sheep are ushered in through the 5 fold ministries that are working in unison as the Shepherd permits.  It is the place of safety, nourishment and abundance. 

There is an old Shepherd’s tale that tells about the lamb that would stray from the “kraal.” The shepherd would then break the lamb’s leg and carry him over his shoulders till the lamb is fully healed.  In that time the lamb learns to know the shepherd’s voice and he will never again stray.   Whenever the shepherd calls, he runs back to him, because he knows his voice.

Jesus is our Shepherd.  Sometimes he needs to bring us to our knees so we can learn to know His voice.  Today when you have strayed away from the local “kraal”, come back running.  Listen to the shepherd’s voice, before he deems it necessary to stop you in your tracks so you can learn His voice.  Be part of the local “kraal”.

Our local “kraals” are empty because the doors are broken!  Brothers and Sisters, pray today for your ministry to be revealed unto you so you can walk in the fullness of the ministry planned by the Lord.  The “kraal” needs you.  Do not wait any longer. 

Let us go out and fill the “kraal”, so the sheep can live in the protection and abundance there is in the “kraal” and be fully nourished.

Rene Welgemoed


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