~Colossians 3:1-3
As babies we are born into this world and become part of it. But unfortunately being born into this world does not give us much of a hope or a future. Being born into this world means that we are subjected to the sin and suffering of this corrupt world. Everything on earth eventually comes to an end. If you are born into this world it is a guarantee that you will die. If this life on earth was all there was, it would be a huge disappointment. The bible reminds us over and over that this world is passing by and will eventually come to an end. To live for this world is pointless. To invest all your time and affection into something that does not last is senseless.
Living for this world is like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic!
This world is going down and everything in it too.
But if we get born again we become part of God’s kingdom and get born into His family. We no longer belong to this world. In this scripture the Lord is reminding us to “set our minds on the things above, and not on the things of the world.”
The things which are above will last forever. We are part of God’s kingdom and have an eternal inheritance in the Lord. Therefore we should be investing our time and affection in something that will outlast this world. It says in Matthew 6:20 we should “lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal”.
Everything that we invest in this world will be destroyed. But everything that we invest in heaven will last forever.
Janine Cunningham