Senior Youth Camp 21-23 July 2017

 For the first time we had a four day camp starting on Thursday evening. The ministry was absolutely powerful and the Lord started working on the hearts of all there. The Lord was preparing the soil of our hearts. And so the seed of the Word was sown into our hearts, being watered all the time by ministry. To see the confirmation of each ministry through other ministries and testimonies was a true reflection of the glory and power of God. 
The pinnacle of the working in our hearts was reach when there was a sweet surrender to the work of the Lord. Many responded and turned their lives around. Others were ignited to burn hot for our Father. 
We all sat around the bonfire worshipping the Lord, all the time basking in the presence of the Lord. The effect of the time of igniting that night had far reaching effect on all our lives. 
A testimony was reported after camp of how people heard the singing from across the road. They were so moved upon by the Holy Spirit, that they confessed that they needed Christ. Faithfully the Lord had brother’s and sister’s right there to minister to the touch lives. And so we never know the effect of our relationship with God. But we do know that we will let our LIGHTS burn brightly in this dark world for all to see(or hear). 
One of the campers sat around the bonfire quietly, well after many have left to go to bed. A counsellour asked him if he was alright, noticing something was different. His response was, “I just got saved bru”. Wow, what a wonderful God we serve. 
We now look forward to our next young adults camp in August. 
In His service 
Louw Coetzee 


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