Ja vir Jesus – May 2015


In May Petrus Steyn, Lindley and Heilbron fellowships had a Junior Youth “Ja vir Jesus”  evening in Petrus Steyn.  It was an outreach opportunity and children came from all three towns.

We started the evening with an ice breaker by David and Janine where the children had to try and get a cookie from their foreheads into their mouths.

Then everyone went inside for some lekker Vrystaat worship led by Danie and Wilko.  The hearts were open and expectant as the play about the Good Samaritan started.  The naughty robbers gave all the kids some of the fake money they stole from the man and all the kids watched in awe as the Levite and the Priest walked by.  A great cheer erupted from the kids as the Samaritan took out his big injection to heal the poor man.

Max and Margaret then gave their testimony of how Jesus saved them and healed them and they showed the kids how the blood of Jesus takes out all the dirty stuff from our hearts by pouring the red “blood” (coloured water) into a vase filled with sand and leaves.  All the dirty stuff spilled over as they kept pouring the blood.  That is how Jesus cleans our hearts.  We just have to keep pouring the blood as the Samaritan poured the wine.

Everyone went outside to eat pancakes as the workers got ready for “Jesus se fabriek.”  When everyone was settled again, Machel presented “Jesus se fabriek” to the children.  We feel dirty and full of sin like an old bucket before we know Jesus, but the moment we give our hearts to Jesus we go into “Jesus se fabriek” (at this stage there is a huge carton behind Machel “Jesus se fabriek” with two doors. An IN door and a OUT door.  Machel puts the bucket into the IN door.)  There is a loud noise of banging and clanging as the “Jesus se fabriek” is working and the next moment the fabriek spits out a brand new bucket to exclamations of joy from the children.  Jesus does not fix us when we give our hearts to Him, He makes us new. Which led to one boy asking if the “fabriek can also give him a new shoe if he puts his old one in.

Tanja  explained salvation to the kids by blindfolding a boy and asking him to walk through the obstacles.  She then explained that we are all sinners walking blindly through the world, but through grace we can be saved by acknowledging Jesus as our personal Saviour and confessing our sins.  Then Jesus removes the blindfold and we can see, whereby Tanja removed the boys blindfold and he could easily walk through all the obstacles.

Kobus  told the children a story and did a prayer.  During the prayer there was chance given for salvations from the children.  8 Kids put up their hands and gave their hearts to Jesus including one boy who put up Noah – the fellowship dog’s – paw.

The children then had the opportunity to write on a piece of paper one thing that they want prayer for.  The papers were then divided between all the adults and everyone asked to pray earnestly for that child’s request.

The evening ended with lekker boerewors hotdogs and playing with Noah on the grass.

Mariska du Plessis


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