This is only the first part of the verse, but these are the words I woke up with and have been meditating them.
My words weary God.
It is difficult to imagine God weary. I don’t ever imagine a lion weary. Day in and day out, second after second God grows weary with his children who are disobedient to the truth and call what is evil good by their actions. And a lost world with thousands are led to believe a lie that God delights in wickedness, because we see no sign of His judgement.
Why would this make God weary?
Well, did He not send the Darling of Heaven, the Day Star, the Son of Righteousness, the Lilly of the Valley and His only Begotten Son to die for the wickedness of the world?
“For by the words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Matthew 12:37 My words carry weight and God will weigh them. The cry in my own heart is that I don’t want to weary God with my words neither do I want my words to be the reason any should believe a lie. May I speak truth, not my truth, God’s truth.
May I like the disciples in Luke 24 remember His words, or as Samuel and let none of the words of God fall. It’s a weary and tired world we live in. and we are weary at times, but be of good cheer Jesus has overcome this world.
Lord, help me to choose my words carefully and wisely. Help me not to promote wickedness as light. Help me to remember you are a Holy God. Thank you that through your Son the Lord Jesus I can live in victory. Anoint my lips with fire from off the altar and may they bring a sweet smelling savour unto You.