Young Adults Camp 25-27 June 2021

We had the YAC on the weekend of the 25th of June in Oranjeville. The weekend was so blessed, I am so glad we were still able to have the camp and come together to glorify the Lord and spend time in His Word. The Lord really touched hearts and met with us each individually over the course of the weekend. I was so blessed by the camp. The Lord came and showed me the condition of my heart and I pray that what was shared will continue to grow and change my heart. 

We spent time reading out of the book of Jonah and how he fled from the call of the Lord on his life to go and share the repentance of the Lord in Nineveh. One of the things that was shared from his story that really struck me was, how often we are like Jonah and flee from what the Lord is calling us to do and instead go to what we know and what is comfortable to us, our “Tarshish”. I was reminded again on camp how beautiful the calling of the Lord is on our lives, and how blessed and special it is when we live in those plans that the Lord has for us. 

Nadia Brewis

Testimony YAC 25-27 June

Contentment [Phil 4: 11; 2 Corint 12: 10 (Good News)]. Om te wees in die oomblik, die hede en die nou. “A state of happiness and satisfaction”. Twee weke voor die Young Adults Camp het die Here my kom uitdaag met die gedagte van ‘content’ wees. Dis so maklik om na ander te kyk, na wie hulle is, wat hulle het en waar hulle is in die lewe en teleurgesteld voel oor wie jy is, waar jy is en wat jy het. Ek doen dit so baie. So gereeld kyk ek na my vriende en vriendinne en sien hoe ongelooflik die Here in hulle lewe op daardie oomblik werk.  Kyk ek na my lewe, dan wonder ek hoekom dit so ‘stil’ is. Waarom word die volgende ‘probleem’ nie op my hart gedruk nie? Waarom trek die Here nie aan my hartsnare nie? Watse hartskamer wil Hy volgende renovate? Ek wil so vining van die een ding na die ander beweeg … intussen is die Here klaar besig om my contentment te leer. Dat ek content moet wees in rus en in die wag. Die naweek van die Young Adults het die Here vir my kom wys dat dit okay is as ons nie nou iets groots uitsorteer nie. Dat dit okay is as Hy nie nou Sy vinger op my hart druk, of aan n kamer se deur klop nie. Dit maak Hom nie minder lief vir my nie. Dit is okay om net in die oomblik van vrede, vreugde en dankbaarheid content te wees, en met oorgawe elke lied met n ligte hart vir Hom te sing. Want sien, al was daar nie daardie naweek iets op my hart gedruk nie, weet ek verseker die volgende afspraak met Hom mag dalk nie so lekker of so ‘maklik’ wees nie. Paulus sê “I have learnt this secret, so that anywhere at any time, I am content.” EN so het die Here my hart kom aanraak! Maak nie saak waar ek is, wat my fisiese en geestelike omstandighede is nie, ek moet content wees in dit. “We must be content IN our circumstances even if we are not content WITH them.” Die beste is, God sal ons ALTYD ontmoet net daar waar ons is.

Renate Grobler

On the weekend of 25 – 27 June 2021 we had a cosy young adults’ camp in Oranjeville.

It is always special to get away from the world for a little while and to make sure your eyes are fixed on Jesus. I think one of my favourite parts of camp is spending quality time with the people you love and to meet others who need to hear about the love of our Lord Jesus.

On this camp, we were encouraged to see God’s unending grace in our lives. Like in the book of Jonah, God is always calling us; running after us; saving us and giving us another chance to serve Him. Let us humble our hearts to accept His unending grace and stop trying to do things our own way!

As always, Uncle Jorge and Aunty Wilma blessed us with their hospitality. From their welcoming fireplace to their heart-warming food, their home was a haven from studying or working and the cold weather. We are so grateful to them!

Rebecca Kiln


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