Stop moving chairs on the Titanic

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” ~Colossians 3:1-3 As babies we are born into this world and become part of it. But unfortunately being born into this world does not give us much of a hope or a future. Being born into this world means that we are subjected to the sin and s […]


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Hulk Smash-lewe

Soos ons een naweek om die kampvuur sit op die plaas, sien ek my broer se seuntjie stap na ‘n tak wat te groot is om in die vuur te gooi.  Ek sien hy probeer vir hom ‘n takkie afbreek, maar kry dit nie reg nie.  Die volgenede oomblik skree hy: “HULK SMASH!!”  en spring die tak plat.  Met ‘n groot glimlag tel hy die houtjies op om in die vuur te gooi. Die vraag het by my opgekom:  Wat weerhou ons van ‘n HULK-SMASH-lewe? W […]


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The Author

One evening as we were sitting around the table with my brother’s twins of 6 years old,   I made a comment that they are like Hansel and Gretel and they immediately wanted me to tell them the story.  This got me thinking how much we as people like to hear stories.  We are intrigued and captivated by stories.  The lyrics of “The Story” by Brandi Carlisle explains it so beautifully:“All of these lines across my face tell you the stor […]


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My Testimony

I have really been thinking a lot about my testimony, and the importance of my testimony. In Revelations 12 vs 11 it says:  “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death”. What is my testimony and why is it so important? In my simple understanding it is the evidence of what Jesus has done and is doing in my life. The bible also talks about us being the light of the world, with all o […]


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Lift up your heads

2 Timothy 4:7   “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”   A soldier knows what his duties are, to fight for his country, to lay down his life for the cause. When an athlete runs a race, the finish line is his goal. Is this not what our Lord Jesus did for us? He laid down His life that the world shall be saved through Him.   The cause and goal for us who believe, is to hold on to Jesus, declaring that he truly is the only wa […]


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Mind the Gap

Going to London with 3 small boys is maybe not the easiest thing.   Strangely enough my biggest worry was not the flight or the airport officials, it was THE GAP!The moment you enter the Underground you hear the professional voice of the underground-lady saying: “Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.”  How big is this gap?  It must be a crater to warrant such frequent warnings.   All the way there I am counting 1…2…3 […]


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Van krummels tot krag

Soos ek kyk na die voëltjies deur die venster wonder ek of hulle ooit versadig raak van die paar krummels wat hulle oppik.  Wat kan Jeus doen met krummels in ‘n gelowige hart?Ek het ‘n getuienis gehoor van ‘n hoërskool dogter wat nie ‘n Bybel het nie.  Sy het slegs ‘n boekie gehad en elke keer as iemand Skrif lees het sy die verse angstig neergeskryf.  Sy vat daardie boekie elke aand en wanneer almal slaap lees sy die verse met haar selfoon liggie onde […]


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