Junior Youth Camp 29 Sept – 3 Okt 2017

​Met groot opgewondenheid en vol hoop en verwagting pak ons die pad aan na die “Survivor” jeugkamp by Drie Riviere vanaf  29 September tot 3 Oktober. Die eerste aand begin met spanne indeel en skatte-jag.  Dit laat almal sommer lekker rondhardloop en breek die ys sommer gou gou. Dag 1 se tema: SONDER JESUS IS EK VERLORE Oggend bybelstudie lees ons vir hulle( Lukas 15:1-10 ) Ons vertel vir hulle dat hulle vir God van groot waarde is en dat hy als wil doen om jou te […]


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Pizza aand – 22 Sept 2017

​Op 22 Sept 2017 het Petrus Steyn  en Heilbron Fellowship ‘n Junior Jeug pizza aand gehou. Wat ‘n mooi, geseende aand. Ons wou graag ‘n geleentheid skep waar die laerskool kinders saam kan kuier en spontaan iets leer uit God se Woord en om hul aan te moedig om die Jeug Kamp (29 Sept -3 Okt 17 ) by te woon. Natuurlik is kinders altyd honger en ons vul hulle magies met heerlike pizza.  Elkeen kry kans om sy eie pizza te bou en kies hulle eie bestan […]


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Just to say “Thank you”

It is special for us as women, to sit together and have a cup of tea and of course    all the yummy things we can enjoy.But sometimes it is good just to sit all on our own somewhere, some place, with a cup of tea or coffee and think. Think about the things of God.I would like to share about what is written in JobIn Job 4 vs 17 &19   we read – “shall mortal man be more JUST than God?   Shall a man be more PURE than his maker?   Can God trust […]


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Senior Youth Camp 21-23 July 2017

 For the first time we had a four day camp starting on Thursday evening. The ministry was absolutely powerful and the Lord started working on the hearts of all there. The Lord was preparing the soil of our hearts. And so the seed of the Word was sown into our hearts, being watered all the time by ministry. To see the confirmation of each ministry through other ministries and testimonies was a true reflection of the glory and power of God.    The pinnacle of the working in our he […]


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Lloyd Osborn 09 February 1940 – 13 July 2017

​On 13 July 2017 our beloved uncle Lloyd were promoted to glory to be with the Lord.Uncle Lloyd was truly, like Quinton said, our shadow.  He was quiet and always there. A beautiful memorial service was held on 18 July 2017 where Rene encouraged all present with ministry from Eksodus 3.  He remembered his father in law as the silent warrior, never complaining. Uncle Lloyd went through life facing the battles of life, but through them he found a […]


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Lloyd Osborn 09 February 1940 – 13 July 2017

​On 13 July 2017 our beloved uncle Lloyd were promoted to glory to be with the Lord.Uncle Lloyd was truly, like Quinton said, our shadow.  He was quiet and always there. A beautiful memorial service was held on 18 July 2017 where Rene encouraged all present with ministry from Eksodus 3.  He remembered his father in law as the silent warrior, never complaining. Uncle Lloyd went through life facing the battles of life, but through them he found a […]


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Clarens Senior Youth Camp 6-8 January 2017

What a way to start off a year, in the mountains surrounding Clarens in the Freestate. In total awe of God’s splendor in His creation, we were set to experience even greater work to be done in our lives. The Lord had it all planned from the rainy wet days, so we could work on getting to know one another and form relationships to sunny days in which we could bask in what the Lord has done. But don’t let me tell you, here are some of the many testimonies of those who attended the camp […]


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Junior Jeugafsluiting 2016

​Dink aan die Vrystaat en jy dink aan ‘n plaasdam, mielielande en potjiekos.  In eg Vrystaatste tradisie is dit ook hoe ons in Petrus Steyn die jaar afgesluit het.  Op Sondag 4 Desember 2016 was ons almal se bakkies en karre gelaai en het ons saam afgesit na oom John Mentz, ‘n boer van Petrus Steyn, se plaasdam.  Die mielies kom mooi op en die lande lyk groen oppad dam toe.  Daar gekom begin elkeen sy plekkie skrop vir ‘n heerlike dag van visvang, fel […]


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Living a Whale of a life

And God created great Whales, and every living creature that moveth … and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw it was good. Genesis 1: 21                                                          &nb […]


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Rushing back to Jesus

    As my boys and I were driving back from a school function the other night,  my two high school boys started talking about how girls sometimes use emotional manipulation to get what they want.  The discussion was flowing and I even had a few insets, when my youngest leaned forward (not taking his eyes of the game in front of him) and said: “Aren’t you guys gossiping now?”.  He then sat back and continued to play his game in peace.  A silen […]


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