Young Adults Camp – 19-21 Aug 2016

​On the weekend of the 19th to the 21st of August a group of young adults got together for a weekend of wonderful fellowship and to encourage each other. We were hosted by Uncle Jorge and Aunty Wilma, who really looked after us well, on the banks of the Vaal Dam. We had a number of meetings where we really enjoyed singing and worshiping the Lord. The Lord spoke to us to make sure that we have put the Lord first in our lives and that we need to be in His plan! A long walk along the dam was […]


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Ja vir Jesus – 13 Aug 2016

Die kreet: “Ja vir Jesus!”  het deur die strate van Petrus Steyn opgeklink op Saterdag 13 Augustus toe ‘n groep kinders van Petrus Steyn en Heilbron op ‘n sleepwa deur Petrus Steyn gery het.  Die Ja vir Jesus-byeenkoms is gereël deur Petrus Steyn Fellowship en die tema was Joh 8:12 – Jesus is die lig vir die wêreld.  Met ‘n groot opgewondenheid het ongeveer 40 kinders en volwassenes namiddag bymekaar gekom en daar is afgeskop me […]


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Tanzania Jul 2016

Please pray for Rene Welgemoed and Danie Botha who went to Tanzania to encourage the brethren there in their work and to preach the gospel to all that cross their paths.  Pray for a move of God’s Spirit.   Danie and Michael Mafie in Arusha. […]


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Tanzania Jul 2016

Please pray for Rene Welgemoed and Danie Botha who went to Tanzania to encourage the brethren there in their work and to preach the gospel to all that cross their paths.  Pray for a move of God’s Spirit.   Danie and Michael Mafie in Arusha. […]


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Jesus: Die almagtigste Koning – MG se prentjie

Hierdie briefie het MG Beukes (10 jaar) geskryf vir homself.  Sy ma het dit in sy lessenaar gevind en met sy toestemming deel ons dit graag met almal.​MG skryf:”Jesus het opgestaan van die dood.  Selfs het mense nie in Hom geglo nie tot Hy opgestaan het.  Hy het selfs die laaste ete saam met die dissipels geëet.  Een van die dissipels wat vir Hom die liefste was, het gehuil.  Jesus het gewas en hy het vir Jesus gesê ‘Jy (U)  gaan nie my voete […]


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Come As Little Children

Friends, it is easy to reach God.  When your heart is soft, just reach out your hand and He is there.  Be steadfast in your relationship with Christ.  Do not tell your children what to do, show them through your life. Mark 10: 16 ‘Verily I say unto you. Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.’God wants us as grown ups to think as children when it comes to the things of God.  We need to put all our complications aside and r […]


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Om ma te wees

​Om ma te wees is ‘n hemelse voorreg.Om dit te doen…’n op-jou-knieë-bly uitdaging.Moses se ma was een van daardie vroue in die Bybel met besonderse moed.  In haar poging om haar babaseun teen die moordveldtog van die Egiptenare te beskerm, vleg sy ‘n mandjie, smeer dit met waterdigte pik en gaan steek haar baba tussen die riete weg. Dis hier waar Farao se dogter hom kry en met Moses se ma n ooreenkoms sluit dat sy hom sal grootmaak, maar sal terugbring paleis toe.In Eksod […]


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Deur die oë van ‘n kind: Kaylie se prentjie

1 Peter 5:4 “And when the chief Sheperd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.” 6 Jarige Kaylie de Bruyn het hierdie prentjie geteken en dit as volg aan haar ma Machel verduidelik:​ Kaylie se woorde:Jesus het aan die kruis vir ons gesterf.  Sy bloed het op ons geval en ons skoon gewas.  Jesus se liefde is baie groter as die wêreld se liefde.  Die wêreld se liefde hou net ‘n rukkie.  Hy het Sy hemelse kroon gelos en ‘n doringkroon […]


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Ja vir Jesus 7 Nov 2015

​Op ‘n heerlike somersoggend het ‘n groep fietsryers, jonk en oud, in Petrus Steyn bymekaar gekom vir Petrus Steyn Fellowship […]


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Love the Truth

2 Tes 2:10 “because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. “In this scripture Paul is stressing the importance of the love of the truth.  It does not say ‘because they received not the the truth’, you have to have a love of the truth.  From this scripture it is clear that it is impossible to receive a love of the truth without intervention […]


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