Mienje van der Westhuizen

Op 2 Julie 2015 hoor ons dat ons liefste Mienje, dogtertjie van GF en Nadia van der Westhuizen, in die ISE in Bloemfontein opgeneem is.  Sy het ‘n virus opgetel en haar nierfunsie en organe is daardeur aangeval.  Ons as fellowship het dadelik begin bid vir klein Mienje.  Daar is ‘n gebedsbyeenkoms gereël vir daardie aand waarin ons almal ernstig vir Mienje ingetree het.  Die vroue van die fellowship het ook besluit om ‘n 24 uur gebedskring te begin vir […]


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Return at the beginning of Barley harvest

Ruth 1:1-22 As we walk with Naomi and Ruth the Lord is teaching us some beautiful principles in His Word. V 16: “And Ruth said, Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee:  for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.” What a beautiful proclamation from Ruth.  This is what the Lord needs from us.  Our walk with the Lord cannot begin without a definite decis […]


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Paspoort nie nodig, slegs geloof

Soms is ‘n mens so besig met die dinge van die Here, dat jy die Here mis.  Dit is presies wat met my gebeur het.  Dan herken jy nie meer jou Herder se stem nie.  So pen die Here my in ‘’n hospitaalbed vas om met my te praat. Vroeg ‘’n Maandagoggend sit ons by Medi Clinic.  Ek moet al 6 uur daar wees.  Die dokter wil vandag opereer, maar die Mediesefonds het nog nie magtiging gegee nie.  Ons wag tot 8 uur.  Die dame by Ontvangs sê: “ Di […]


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Be part of the local “kraal”

John 10:1-21 “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” This parable gives us a picture of the Lord’s plan.  Jesus is the shepherd and the head of the church.  We are His sheep.  The only way we can be in the Lord’s plan is to enter in by the door,  so the only way to get into the “kraal” through Jesus.  Jesus is the only way to salvation. Let us look at this picture of the “kraal”.  […]


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Koue Winteraand-Worship: 3 Julie 2015

Stel jou voor: ‘n koue winters Vrydagaand.. Wat kan ‘n mens op so aand doen? Wel.. ons het die oplossing gevind! ‘n Senior Youth and Young Adults aand in Petrus Steyn. Ek en my twee vriende vat een Vrydag aand die pad Petrus Steyn toe vanaf Heilbron vir een van hierdie aande. Wat ons daar ondervind het het ons al drie verseker verbaas. Dit is ‘n koue wintersaand, maar ons kry nie koud nie want daar is soveel warmte by so ‘n aand. Ons almal kuier van […]


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Senior Youth Camp – July 2015

Daneca “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.”- Psalms 37:24. The youth camp was just another example of how the Lord speaks to you in the midst of storms. For quite a while I have been feeling down in my spiritual life. I’ve been feeling lost, condemned to hell, and feeling forsaken by the Lord. The message at camp was about the grace of God and that he would never leave us. He picks us up no matter how hard we fall, and in every si […]


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Ja vir Jesus – May 2015

In May Petrus Steyn, Lindley and Heilbron fellowships had a Junior Youth “Ja vir Jesus”  evening in Petrus Steyn.  It was an outreach opportunity and children came from all three towns.  We started the evening with an ice breaker by David and Janine where the children had to try and get a cookie from their foreheads into their mouths. Then everyone went inside for some lekker Vrystaat worship led by Danie and Wilko.  The hearts were open and expectant as the […]


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Senior Youth Outreach – May 2015

Petrus Steyn Fellowship held an outreach for Senior Youth on Saturday 9 May 2015 we had a few of the kids from neighbouring towns as far as Bethlehem, Lindley, and Heilbron.  Some brothers with a love for the youth joined us from Benoni and Three Rivers Assemblies.  We had such a blessed evening as the Youth themselves shared. The message on the heart of these young men was that you should make sure of your salvation while you are here, before you leave. After some amazing worship […]


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Behold the Lilly of the Valley

Song of Solomon 2: 1-7 As we read the beautiful words of Solomon, the Lord is showing us His love for His Bride, the Church.  “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” V1  The rose of Sharon which grows on the hilltops shows Jesus as the rose of heaven, but He is also the lily in the valley here on earth.  The lily which grows between the thorns of this world, but is so beautiful for us to behold. We gaze upon the beauty of Jesus in the beginning […]


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Niemand is uitgesluit

Met elke nuwe uitdaging stuur die Here soveel bevestigings en bemoedigings oor jou pad.  Ek is onlangs herhinner aan die vrou wat by Jesus gekom het en hom gevra het om haar dogter te genees van die duiwels wat in haar was.  Jesus het eenvoudig geantwoord dat dit nie reg is om die brood van die kinders vir die honde te gee nie.  Haar reaksie was dat die honde wel die krummels kan kry.  Hierdie geloof is een van die min gebeurtenisse waarvan Jesus openlik vir mense vertel het. […]


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