Humble yourself and pray

2 Cronicles 7:1414 if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. 16 For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.& […]


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Kies reg

Die vyand het gesê: Ek sal agtervolg, inhaal, buit verdeel, my begeerte sal versadig word van hulle; ek sal my swaard trek, my hand sal hulle uitroei. Met al die onstuimigheid, en onrus in die wêreld vandag, is dit ontstellend om te sien hoe mense in angs en woede reageer.  Dis sleg om te hoor hoe mense redeneer oor hierdie dinge, maar meer vreesaanjaend om te beleef hoe mense nie ag gee op die waarskuwing van Matteus 24:6 ”En julle sal hoor van oorloë en g […]


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1 Korintiers 13:13En nou: geloof, hoop en liefde bly, hierdie drie.  En die grootste hiervan is die liefde! Die grootste hiervan is die liefde.  Snaaks hoe verwronge ons idee van liefde is.Dat dit alles wat verkeerd is aanvaar, en goedkeur en dit verkeerd is oorsien en ongestraf laat.  Die ergste is dat dit is hoe mense God se liefde sien – ten spyte van die feit dat daar ‘n vers in die Bybel is wat dit juis anders stel.  Die vers leer ons dat die loon […]


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Search our hearts

It is a well known fact that Solomon was the wisest king in the bible. The Queen of Sheba even came and tested his knowledge and wisdom and enquired about his power.  The Bible says that she even observed his servants and could find any fault.   His son Rehoboam, on the other hand, had fled away from the face of his father – being so different from his father he became king after the announcement of Solomon’s death.   When he was questioned by the peopl […]


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Waarmee sal die jongeling sy pad suiwer hou?

Waarmee sal die jongeling sy pad suiwer hou? Die Bybel gee die antwoord in Psalm 119. Deur dit te hou na Sy woord.  Ons sien in hierdie skrif dat God se Woord die antwoord is.   Dit is hierdie Woord wat ons vernuwe, ons bemoedig, ons troos, ons die regte pad wys, ons die plan bekend maak.   Dit was na aanleiding van God se woord dat Noag ‘n ark gebou het en gered is.  Abram getrek het na ‘n land belowe, waar sy naam verander is na Abraham.  Jo […]


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The Supply of Truth

​IN today’s world, people are more lost than ever – they are left alone more to deal with the consequences of their decisions than ever before.  In the past, there used to be those in positions of authority who could be trusted with hard questions, hard lessons and keeping people honest.  That has all changed.  People are left in this world without anyone to look up to – anyone to aspire to!   In a world such as this – there is a great […]


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Hier is ek!

​Elke dag hoor ons duisende woorde. Woorde wat ons affekteer op een of ander manier.  Hierdie woorde het die potensiaal om ons op te lig of af te dwing.  Maar een ding is seker – woorde het gevolge.  Gevolge – goed of sleg – kan ons lewens verander, ons emosies.  Daar is ‘n verhaal in die Woord waar daar ‘n vrou na Jesus gekom het om te smeek vir genesing vir haar dogter (Markus 7:24).  Sy het ‘n dringendheid in haar […]


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Come As Little Children

Friends, it is easy to reach God.  When your heart is soft, just reach out your hand and He is there.  Be steadfast in your relationship with Christ.  Do not tell your children what to do, show them through your life. Mark 10: 16 ‘Verily I say unto you. Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.’God wants us as grown ups to think as children when it comes to the things of God.  We need to put all our complications aside and r […]


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Love the Truth

2 Tes 2:10 “because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. “In this scripture Paul is stressing the importance of the love of the truth.  It does not say ‘because they received not the the truth’, you have to have a love of the truth.  From this scripture it is clear that it is impossible to receive a love of the truth without intervention […]


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Is ons lankmoedig?

2 Kor. 5 v 9: Daarom lê ons ons ook ywerig daarop toe, of ons inwoon of uitwoon, om Hom welbehaaglik te wees. 10: Want ons moet almal voor die regterstoel van Christus verskyn, sodat elkeen kan ontvang wat hy deur die liggaam verrig het, volgens wat hy gedoen het, of dit goed is of kwaad. Ek was vandag in die bank in Heilbron omdat ons nie so ‘n ding het hier in Petrus Steyn nie. Wat ‘n belewenis! ‘n Baie goed geklede vrou het haar stemmetjie so verhef dat dit eintlik ‘n verleentheid was […]


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