Easter Convention Harrismith 9-11 April 2021

The Easter weekend was something I would not have wanted to miss. The main purpose was the ministry and this was exceptional. God was and still is showing that all things are of Him and by him and there is nothing that exists that He did not bring into being.


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Move of the Spirit – 2020

Over three evenings the Lord has moved in a mighty way in Frankfort and Petrus Steyn.  There was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit and people got baptised with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues.  Thursday 30 July, Frankfort: During the meeting in Frankfort the Holy Spirit just took over the meeting.  Hearts were soft and the Spirit could move with power.  Even children got filled with the Holy Spirit in this mighty move of the Spirit.  We give […]


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Young Adults Camp – March 2020

By God lê die oorwinning Gedurende die naweek van 28 Feb tot 1 Maart is daar ‘n “Young Adults” kamp in Oranjeville aangebied. Hier het ongeveer 60 jong volwassenes bymekaar gekom, almal honger vir meer van God se Woord en opgewonde om tyd in Sy teenwoordigheid te spandeer. Die kamp was deurdrenk met oomblikke van waarheid oor wat God vir jou as jong mens wil aanbied: ‘n lewe gevul met oorwinning in die tye van verlies. Indien jy jou lewe vir Hom o […]


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