When he was questioned by the people about what he would do and how he would rule he consulted some advisors, as is customary even today. He was faced with advice from two groups of people :
– the elders said to work gently
– the young advisors said to him to show the people who is boss.
Both sides of advice can be understood.
He, unfortunately, chose to listen to younger less experienced and less trusted advice. Rehoboam had to deal with the consequences of his actions. How often do you and we deal with the consequences of our actions and as a result endure so many hardships God never intended for us? If we believe the verse that says: “I know the plans I have for you saith the Lord…(Jer 29:11)”. Do you think that God would tempt us? (Jam 1:13) The bible gives a clear answer – No.
God does not want all the peace-removing consequences to fill your life and keep you busy fighting with your brothers and sisters. There is nowhere in the bible where the saints are encouraged to sort each other out. Nowhere where it is said to search each other’s hearts. The bible does however encourage us to search our own hearts out (1 Cor 11:28), to work our salvation out with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12).
Rehoboam, in an effort to regain control, decided to make war against ten of the tribes of Israel with two tribes on his side. As they prepared for war, the word of the Lord came to Rehoboam and said: “Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me. (2 Cron 11:24). Rehoboam didn’t fight that day.
So sometimes God allows some things to test our hearts, to show us how weak and selfish we are. As long as we realise that turning to God in our weakness and humility helps us to grow in our relationship with Jesus. He is the one who made a way for us – He is the one who went ahead to prepare a place for us!
He sent the Comforter to help us and He is constantly interceding on our behalf! How can you fight, or have issues with the saints if Jesus did this for us? May we all search our hearts!
Danie Botha