Living a Whale of a life


And God created great Whales, and every living creature that moveth … and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw it was good. Genesis 1: 21

At times I forget I serve a creative God. I get caught up with making sure that I am living as He wants me to live, and don’t misunderstand me, making sure that I am walking and living as Jesus wants me is absolutely vital to my faith, there are too many Christians who talk the talk, but can’t walk the talk! Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

However have you ever thought about the vast array of animals, lets just take the ocean for an example, the clever people tell us that there are species in the deepest parts of the ocean too deep for humans to even get to, that are yet to be discovered. What weird and wonderful colours they come in, the clown fish the blow fish the great regal whale, the busy body octopus, the fearsome shark. Together they form a marvelous relationship of give and take and they all need each other!  And have you ever seen a whale crying because it wants to be a clown fish or a sea horse sulking because it wants to be a clam?

No we haven’t!
So then why do we always want to be someone we are not!

Has your foot ever said, “that’s enough I refuse to walk! I want to be the hand!” No we haven’t and So God puts us together as it pleases him in a body: The church! So who are you? The shy crab or the inquisitive seal? Are you taking your role seriously or are you drift wood? Floating in and out of church without even being noticed! Let’s stand up and be counted! And be the creative part our God wants us to be!

Ruth Turner


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