The moment you enter the Underground you hear the professional voice of the underground-lady saying:
“Please mind the gap between the train and the platform.”
How big is this gap? It must be a crater to warrant such frequent warnings.
All the way there I am counting 1…2…3. Ok, I still have three boys with me. Rattling of rules like “If you are left on the platform, just go sit on the bench. I will come fetch you.” The train arrives at a speed and stops dead. Baggage in one hand and a three year old on the other I approach the feared GAP. To my great surprise the gap is almost not even visible and my youngest hops onto the train with great ease. We conquered the GAP.
This memory reminded me of a song:
People get ready, there is a train a’ coming. You don’t need a ticket, you just get on board.
How many times do we allow our fear for the gap to make us miss the train.
A man named Nicodemus came to Jesus in the night and asked Him what he should do to get into the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus answered:
“Unless you are born again, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven.”
Nicodemus’ gap was his mind. He was trying to understand heavenly riches with an earthly mind.
What is the gap that is preventing you from the freedom Jesus guarantees? Sometimes we make the gap out to be a crater, because we are only focusing on the gap. Our fear for what might go wrong prevents us from stepping onto the train that is Jesus.
The gap in Noah’s day was maybe the fear of people’s ridicule that kept them from getting on board.
Today is the day of Salvation. The gap is not as big as we might think and when we just take a leap of faith we realize it was almost not even visible. It is not difficult to get on board. It only costs a small step of faith. Jesus will do the rest.
Is the GAP keeping you on the platform while everyone around you is getting on the train?
Mariska du Plessis