Pretoria Bible study – Beginnings

​Three years ago, in Jared’s flat, our little Pretoria Bible study began. As it states in Matthew 18:20, we were two or three gathered in His name, and He was present. Through these few years the Lord has blessed us, and we have grown. As students we are only here for a short while and then we are sent out into the unknown (literally), therefore in my eyes the Bible study is like a training camp. We arrive at this camp each from a different path, some with the Lord already by our sides and others without hope, desperately seeking a Saviour (even though we haven’t yet realised it). We all face similar struggles every day as students and the beauty lies in that we can come together to find strength in Christ and refuge in the fellowship we share with one another. We are able to grow, and we are able to learn from one another so that when the time comes for us to leave, we leave clothed in the armour of God, and Jesus ever by our side. We leave knowing that we have a solid foundation in Christ our God, and a whole new family that we carry with us through the rest of our lives. As we journey ahead as a bible study and individuals, we pray for guidance and wisdom so that we may continue to spread Christ’s love.
1 Thessalonians 5:5-11 captures the fullness of what this bible study is, because we are indeed children of the light, comforting ourselves together, edifying one another.
Love, Lorna.


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