Junior Youth Camp 2-6 Oct 2015

​‘Joining God’s army’ was the theme for the Junior Youth Camp held at Three Rivers Youth Camp Centre from 2 to 6 October 2015.
Friday evening there was a treasure hunt planned for the kids where they had to figure out riddles, do plays and even make a human pyramid to get the next clue.
“Signing up” was the theme for Saturday.  Each child had to make a decision to sign up for the army of the Lord.  The army theme was carried through the day and the children had to paint a flag for each team.  Your flag had to be protected during the camp as you will lose points if your flag has been captured by another team.  The morning devotion started with the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel and the question was asked: “How long will you halt between two opinions.”  The children were given a chance to make a decision to join God’s army.  The children was truly touched by the evening teaching and one girl even reacted that is was like a “burning bush” experience.
Sunday they were “Preparing for war.”  At the morning devotions the children were prepared with the armour of God.   When the physical preparation came the children had to do some PT, their precision was tested by copying a toothpick and Jellytots tower, their accuracy was practised by shooting at a moving target (some of the counsellors) with a paintball gun.  They even had to burn through some rope with a magnifying glass and help an injured soldier.
Then came ‘The Battle’.  Monday started with strict inspection as was done every morning.  The Bible studies were about various battles in the Word.  After lunch there was some quiet time before the fight.  Counsellors vs Campers.  The big battle to capture each other’s flags.  Water guns, water balloons, sponges, everything was used in the attack.  As the battle started it also started to rain and one of the campers reacted: “It was like Jesus was playing with us.”  The evening meeting touched every heart as the worship was powerful and the teaching touched each heart.  There were testimonies from the children as well.
The last day of camp was all about “The Victory”.  We were reminded that we know the end of the story.  We have victory in Christ.  The campers were touched by the Lord during the few days and the testimonies that came from the campers were just proof of the victory in Christ.


Here follows two testimonies from the campers:

“Ek het baie van die kamp gehou.  Dit was lekker om van die Here te leer.  Ek het my hart vir die Here gegee, want ek glo in Hom.  Ek val nie vir die Duiwel se leuens nie.  Die kamp het my lewe verander.  Die Bybel verse wat hulle vir ons gegee het was baie spesiaal.  Die Here het vir ons op die kruis gesterf en terwyl Hy in die oorlog was kon hy 10 000 mense doodgemaak het as Hy net een engel gestuur het, maar Hy het nie.
Hy is ons alles.  Die kamp het my geleer om te glo, te hoop en vrede te hê.  Ons het Hom lief en Hy het ons lief.  Ons moet en kan altyd met Hom praat, want Hy is altyd daar.”
Anelia Strydom (11 jaar)

‘ What i enjoyed about camp was all the wonderful prayers that the other children shared with me, my wonderful counsellors and leaders, the fun activities in the afternoon like painting our flag, water balloon fights and the very busy obstacle race. It was wonderful to learn more about Jesus and the Lord, it definitely  touched my heart and soul. I saw which direction I want my life to go. When we were praying for the battle we learnt that if you are on God’s side He will always have faith in you and you will always be a winner. I have to mention the wonderful food as well. Thank you so much for the wonderful camp.”
Gabby Skinner (12 years)


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