Death Total Deaths New Deaths Bekommernis, Onsekerheid, vrees en baie ander emosies is die werklikheid wat elke dag deel van ons lewe geword het. Klein Hannes, ‘n vriendin van my se seuntjie het my gister laat glimlag toe hy sy mamma vra of hy nog n kind gaan wees as die lockdown verby is…… Dis Hannes se bekommernis, maar wat is joune en myne? En soos ons gesigte verskil, so verskil die vrees en die emosies wat in el […]
In the stillness of who You are, there I find peace.In the stillness of who You are, I see Your heart.In the stillness of who You are, I know that You know. Have there been a time in Your life when God was silent for a season. Where you were not as sure as before of what is next. Maybe in your life, your job, with your family, but especially in the ministry. You want to do the things God wants You to do, but there is a time of silence and you don’t see what is next. […]
Romans 8:28 “We are assured and know that all things work together and are for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose.”Ever wondered what it means to “hang on”, or “hold on” or “just have faith” or my personal favourite “It will get better”? The regular words our friends use to encourage us when we’re going through a hard time. No condemnation here. In fact I’ve used those word […]
And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, verily I say unto you, Except you be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 18:2, 3The Lord Jesus loved little children while he walked here on earth and I have no reason to believe it’s any different now. In fact I know it’s not. The very scripture above tells us, we who are grown up need to become as little children. So what is it […]
“You have wearied the LORD with your words….” Malachi 2:17This is only the first part of the verse, but these are the words I woke up with and have been meditating them. My words weary God.It is difficult to imagine God weary. I don’t ever imagine a lion weary. Day in and day out, second after second God grows weary with his children who are disobedient to the truth and call what is evil good by their actions. And a lost world with thousands are led to believe a lie tha […]
I hear you whisper underneath your breathI hear your SOS I will send out an army to find you in the middle of the darkest night, It’s true, I will rescue you… Dae soos vandag staar ek by die venster uit na die plaaslewe om my. Ek sien die turksvye wat geel en oorryp agtergebly het aan die blare. Te diep tussen die dorings om te pluk. Nutteloos. Weggesteek vir menslike gebruik tussen die donker holtes van die dorings en blare. Terwyl ek so kyk kom sit daar ‘n stukkie onthou i […]