Hosea 2:18-19″Ek gaan jou My bruid maak vir altyd. Ek gaan jou aan My bind deur My weldade en My goeie sorg, deur My liefde en My ontferming.Ek gaan jou aan My bind deur My onverbreekbare trou sodat jy aan My, die Here toegewy sal wees.”As jy my moet vra wat is my gunsteling boek in die Bybel, sal die Boek Hosea los hande die nobel prys wen in my hart. Dis ‘n boek wat keer op keer my hartsnare kom roer en my elke keer ‘n bietjie meer laat verstaan hoe diep God se liefde vir my is.Hosea &nb […]


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Nooit alleen nie…

Ps 23:4 “Al gaan ek ook deur ‘n dal van doodskaduwee, ek sal geen onheil vrees nie; want U is met my; U stok en U staf vertroos my.” Die dag is al ‘n maand lank op my ma se kalender vasgepen, want sy vergeet mos en een oggend het sy net blind in haar een oog wakker geword, gelukkig het die sig deur die dag soort van herstel.Julle weet mos jy moet amper op avbob se stoep sit voor jy ‘n nood afspraak kan kry! So durf ek die pad Bethlehem toe aan met bejaarde ouers, Polina, ons eie edelst […]


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Rom 8:29 (amp) “for those He foreknew (of whom He was swear and loved before hand), He also destined from the beginning to be molded into the image of His Son (and share inwardly His likeness)…….” This verse was recently shared during one of our bible studies and the song of Cityalight stirred my heart.  To realize I do not have anything to bring, because everything I bring was created by Him. Empty handed I rejoice, bringing praise, bring my life to the King in need […]


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Broken Cisterns

Jeremiah 2:13“For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.”So its been nearly two weeks since ladies camp. This verse has been mulling in my heart and mind since then. The word “hewed” and “cistern” have grabbed my attention.To hew means to strike forcibly with an ax or sharp instrument, to chop or hack. These are hard words and actions, very […]


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In the hands of the Potter

For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.Jeremiah 2:13 KJVAs women we have a natural way of doing, planning and controlling the circumstances around us. We are nurturing by nature and will do anything to protect our loved ones against harm. So we start to make our own plans sometimes to just keep everyone and everything in order.We make broken cisterns and try to hold everyth […]


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Herein is love…

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation (Effectual covering) for our sins. 1 John 4:10 I can remember hearing this verse ministered on, when I was still a teenager! (yes that’s a looooong time ago). But I was reminded of it again in preparing for ladies camp this weekend. The focal point being “Herein is love”… like looking into a vessel, or someone cupping their hands closed and inviting you to come cl […]


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Maatjie vir ‘n praatjie

Geselsies wat sy pad na jou hart vind!As ek kon kies sou ek eerder in die hoek van ‘n stil eetplekkie, by ‘n tafel vir twee saam met jou wil gesels.  Jer 33:3 “Roep My aan, Ek sal jou antwoord en jou vertel van groot en onverstaanbare dinge waarvan jy nie weet nie.”Ps 145:18 “die Here is naby almal wat Hom aanroep, almal wat Hom in opregtheid aanroep.” Ek onthou as kind daai benoude wakker-skrik gevoel as jy beangs na jou ma roep oor jy nie seker is of dit Dinsdag of Dingaansdag i […]


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Just to say “Thank you”

It is special for us as women, to sit together and have a cup of tea and of course    all the yummy things we can enjoy.But sometimes it is good just to sit all on our own somewhere, some place, with a cup of tea or coffee and think. Think about the things of God.I would like to share about what is written in JobIn Job 4 vs 17 &19   we read – “shall mortal man be more JUST than God?   Shall a man be more PURE than his maker?   Can God trust […]


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Living a Whale of a life

And God created great Whales, and every living creature that moveth … and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw it was good. Genesis 1: 21                                                          &nb […]


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