Just to say “Thank you”

It is special for us as women, to sit together and have a cup of tea and of course    all the yummy things we can enjoy.But sometimes it is good just to sit all on our own somewhere, some place, with a cup of tea or coffee and think. Think about the things of God.I would like to share about what is written in JobIn Job 4 vs 17 &19   we read – “shall mortal man be more JUST than God?   Shall a man be more PURE than his maker?   Can God trust […]


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Living a Whale of a life

And God created great Whales, and every living creature that moveth … and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw it was good. Genesis 1: 21                                                          &nb […]


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Rushing back to Jesus

    As my boys and I were driving back from a school function the other night,  my two high school boys started talking about how girls sometimes use emotional manipulation to get what they want.  The discussion was flowing and I even had a few insets, when my youngest leaned forward (not taking his eyes of the game in front of him) and said: “Aren’t you guys gossiping now?”.  He then sat back and continued to play his game in peace.  A silen […]


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Om ma te wees

​Om ma te wees is ‘n hemelse voorreg.Om dit te doen…’n op-jou-knieë-bly uitdaging.Moses se ma was een van daardie vroue in die Bybel met besonderse moed.  In haar poging om haar babaseun teen die moordveldtog van die Egiptenare te beskerm, vleg sy ‘n mandjie, smeer dit met waterdigte pik en gaan steek haar baba tussen die riete weg. Dis hier waar Farao se dogter hom kry en met Moses se ma n ooreenkoms sluit dat sy hom sal grootmaak, maar sal terugbring paleis toe.In Eksod […]


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Do not get stale

Today was one of those days.  In the little experience I have, I know it is time to be still and listen to the voice of my Father.  Otherwise the father of lies will get to me.  I got home and just started to read the Word. Klaagliedere  sê dit mos: “Alles kom tot niks, sê die Prediker, tot niks.” Since I returned to the Lord in 2008 after a ‘luke warm life’ of 13 years, I pray almost every day:  “Lord, I never want to be […]


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Veg soos sissies

Hoeveel keer wonder ons as vroue nie waar is ons plek nie?  Wat is my plek in my huwelik, wat is my plek in my gesin en wat is my plek in die kerk?  Die Here het my so bemoedig uit Rigters 4 soos ek die storie van Debora gelees het. “And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at the time.  And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in m […]


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Paspoort nie nodig, slegs geloof

Soms is ‘n mens so besig met die dinge van die Here, dat jy die Here mis.  Dit is presies wat met my gebeur het.  Dan herken jy nie meer jou Herder se stem nie.  So pen die Here my in ‘’n hospitaalbed vas om met my te praat. Vroeg ‘’n Maandagoggend sit ons by Medi Clinic.  Ek moet al 6 uur daar wees.  Die dokter wil vandag opereer, maar die Mediesefonds het nog nie magtiging gegee nie.  Ons wag tot 8 uur.  Die dame by Ontvangs sê: “ Di […]


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Stop moving chairs on the Titanic

“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” ~Colossians 3:1-3 As babies we are born into this world and become part of it. But unfortunately being born into this world does not give us much of a hope or a future. Being born into this world means that we are subjected to the sin and s […]


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