In the stillness of who You are, I see Your heart.
In the stillness of who You are, I know that You know.
Have there been a time in Your life when God was silent for a season. Where you were not as sure as before of what is next. Maybe in your life, your job, with your family, but especially in the ministry. You want to do the things God wants You to do, but there is a time of silence and you don’t see what is next.
We sometimes tend to measure God’s presence by our feelings or our circumstances. David did the same in Psalm 13. He felt that God was silent and he wanted to turn to the counsel of his own soul. David’s cry of desperation to the Lord in the stillness enlightened his heart again to who God is. The moment David cried to the Lord, he remembered who God is. We should measure God’s presence by His Word and the Truth. Not by our feelings or what we see. God proved His love and care through the cross. Whenever our hearts overwhelm us we should cry to our God and know He still loves us. David’s answer to a time of silence was worship.
“ I will sing unto the Lord, because He hath dealt bountifully with me.”
God is always lovingly present and caring even when He is silent. So find peace in His stillness.
There is also a reason for the season of silence. There are a few reasons for not hearing from God. There can be sin in your life which needs to be dealt with. God was quiet when Saul disobeyed God’s orders and then turned to the witch of Endor for counsel instead of turning back to God. You are maybe not in the place where God wants you to be or told you to be. Like when Jonah tried to run from God it took three days of silence in the belly of the whale for him to turn back to God’s commandment.
Then there are the times when we are in the place where God told us to be, living holy lives to Him, and there comes a time of silence. Elijah was where God told him to be. He was sitting at the brook and being fed by the ravens and then the brook dried up. Elijah was in a season where the water dried up and he then got to know God deeper and learned to trust Him more. He saw God’s heart. Out of the season of dryness and quietness came a season where God revealed His greater power and blessing to the people. Sometimes the time of stillness is preparation for a time where the greatness and power of God will be revealed. Another group of people that got to know God deeper through a time of silence were the disciples. When Jesus ascended on to heaven He gave one last commandment. He told them not to depart from Jerusalem until they have received power from on High. For ten days they waited while God was silent. They held on to the Words and Promises of Jesus and they knew the truth of their own testimonies. Then God broke through with a mighty rushing wind and tongues of fire and they received the Holy Spirit.
When God is silent: Worship, trust, wait.
Because He is preparing You for a new season.
He wants us to see His heart and He want us to rest in the knowledge that He knows.